How often are you away from your desk? A lot. How often are you away from your phone? Probably never. Do you think it's any different for attendees?
While this sounds simple, it seems to be something that most hosts haven't considered, so it's not surprising that virtual event No-Show Rates range from 30-60%. What is surprising? How few online event platforms offer a full (or even decent) mobile attendee experience.
Here's the Top 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't be Missing Out on Mobile:
1. 54.4% of internet traffic worldwide is from a mobile device (via Statista).
This represents an opportunity for event hosts. You can get drastic improvements in attendance rates by offering a mobile option. Think about it. Your registrants will not all be at their desks when your event starts. Why not make it easy for them to join from anywhere?
2. 23% of Americans don't own a laptop or desktop computer. (via Pew Research)
That's 75.6 million people you can't reach without a mobile option. Comparatively, 97% of Americans (319 million people) own a smartphone. (via Pew Research).
The demand for mobile content has never been higher. Where do you want to access your audience? Only at their desks, or wherever life takes them?

3. You Don't Want to Spend More Time On Your Laptop, Neither Do Your Event Attendees
Imagine you could run errands, walk your dog, or ride transit, all while attending an event from your phone! This would be a game-changer for a lot of people. Think of how much more you could learn and how many connections you could make.
In summary, adding a mobile option is cheap - especially compared to what you're losing by not having one. With BuzzIt, events are free for up to 150 attendees. Try it for your next event and see the immediate difference in your attendance rates.